Balmung (Doug): I liked your dhalsim.
Insahn (Me) : dhalsim just makes me angry, really
Insahn: because I wasn't improving with him
Insahn: I just want to see visible signs of improvement
Insahn: and for me those signs are winning more often
Insahn: and I'm not seeing it
Balmung: my signs for improvement are different i guess.
Balmung: winning is secondary to improvement in my positioning and mind games
Balmung: wins come with that
Balmung: i think
Insahn: well, when you win as much as you do, or as often it doesn't have to be a concern
Insahn: because you win enough to satisfy you
Insahn: but if you practiced all of the time and still lost to all of your friends
Insahn: it would start to bother you
Insahn: don't you think?
Balmung: nope, not really. i would get frusterated for sure
Balmung: but when i played third strike
Balmung: i only played on ggpo
Balmung: no training mode
Balmung: no nothing
Balmung: just played people who were dominant
Balmung: ggpo is a super niche community of all arcaders it seems
Balmung: and i would ask them questions and try and mimic other people when i spectated
Balmung: i would lose 30 games in a row
Balmung: to someone who was taunting me
Balmung: i got angry with losing
Balmung: but i also didnt let it effect me so long that i couldn't try again
Balmung: i would try new things
Balmung: every loss wasnt such a horrible thing, it was something i could learn from
Balmung: and thats how i started playing SF
Balmung: my work habit in it is based on that experience now
Balmung: i would love to get my ass beat by Justin Wong for a day straight
Balmung: or even nagger (another friend that plays who is very good)
Balmung: or someone who could teach me something
Balmung: nagger helps my game out a lot
Balmung: he has a good mix up
Balmung: i try and feel him out for the first 5 or so games
Balmung: then i start getting in a rythym]
Balmung: and then maybe he starts getting into one
Balmung: its very good.
Insahn: yeah, I just fight beginners for the most part, and I don't try much new because I don't really know what to try, ryu doesn't suprise many people. I can't take losing 30 in a row without it bothering me also.
Insahn: if I fought you 30 times a day I don't know if I would get better, because I don't think
Insahn: If I can just get over losing and feeling stupid I can improve I think.
Balmung: this
Balmung: you get off your throne
Balmung: its an ego thing
Balmung: you have to be willing to be a beginner
Balmung: a beginners mind set
Balmung: that
Balmung: it's your concept of better and worse is whats holding you back
Balmung: you think that for some reason
Balmung: you have to be better than this person
Balmung: that that person and you are even
Balmung: that this guy is good but random
Balmung: you just can't look at it like that, you need to approach each match completely differently
Balmung: "i have trouble with this guy"
Balmung: "i have trouble with that guy"
Balmung: but when i take the time to relax, assess what they are doing
Balmung: see what their bag of tricks consist of
Balmung: i learn
Balmung: i get beat by horrible people
Balmung: i don't let it get me down
Balmung: if i lose to someone from a gimick laggy thing
Balmung: im going to blame the lag and assume i did my best
Balmung: if i just am trying to lie to myself and say it was lag
Balmung: and they caught me with some scrubby shit that i wasnt looking for
Balmung: thats my fault
Balmung: and i need to think about how sometimes new players can catch you with things like that
Balmung: the concept of better and worse should be used very loosely. its like saying whos better, gootecks or mike ross
Balmung: or gootecks and keno
Balmung: or mike ross and moval
Balmung: its like... it doesnt matter
Balmung: mike ross is trying to win his match
Balmung: learning him his mistakes
Balmung: i think you need to train your brain in the middle of a fight to analyze quicker
Balmung: if you think your messing up
Balmung: back away
Balmung: and try and re-assess
Balmung: things like that
Balmung: you aren't an idiot
Balmung: you arn't even slow
Balmung: you just haven't trained your brain mid game yet
Insahn: but how do I do that
Insahn: what is an example you could give me?
Insahn: I don't really know what you mean by 'train my brain'
Balmung: well
Balmung: in the middle of a game
Balmung: try predicting your opponent
Balmung: not always by conditioning them to do things
Balmung: but just straight think about what they are doing
Balmung: just as much as you think about what you're doing
Balmung: think about what you think they will
Balmung: a lot of my psychic focus attacks are like that
Balmung: and i get into the habit of doing it at certain points because i know it catches people a lot
Balmung: and if it doesnt
Balmung: i back up re-assess
Balmung: think as fast as i can
Balmung: and try something new just for the sake of changing my game up
Insahn: I don't notice patterns in this game
Insahn: I used to in jk2
Balmung: there are many patterns
Insahn: but that kind of analysis just dissapeared
Balmung: you have to be thinking about what you would do if you were them
Balmung: how would you beat your ryu
Balmung: if your a gen
Balmung: i would try and catch you with my wall dive
Balmung: after a few hados
Balmung: thats what i would try to do
Insahn: ok, I see what you mean
Balmung: so you have to think about that
Insahn: but I guess when fighting fei long, or gen, I really don't know what those characters would do
Insahn: I know fei might chicken wing at me if I'm throwing fireballs
Insahn: and I try to prepare for it, sometimes I predict it
Balmung: Protip: you have to think about what your opponent is doing just as much as you think about what you're doing"
Insahn: but the shoryuken doesn't come out
Balmung: thats what gootecks said
Balmung: play as fei
Balmung: play as gen
Balmung: a little
Balmung: so you a hve a better idea
Insahn: yeah, but "thinking about what your opponent is doing" is defined differently by those that know how to think about what their opponent is doing.
Insahn: I don't think I would be good enough to do half of the shit those characters have to offer
Insahn: and it would take a lot of time
Insahn: and my ryu would get worse
Balmung: it doesnt matter if you're good or not with them
Balmung: understanding their movements
Balmung: helps greatly
Balmung: understanding some of the tools they have
Balmung: like.
Balmung: do fei and gen's normal trials
Balmung: get a feel for them
Balmung: don't need to practice combos and shit
Hope you guys enjoyed, until next time!